Sultan Bahoo Ancestors

All tribes sing success for acquiring pearl from ocean Hoo

Six earths, six heavens and six are floating within water’s motion Hoo

Within six letters, are eighteen words, each word has dual meaning’s notion Hoo

Master guide perfectly explained ‘Bahoo’ first letter of the line’s portion Hoo

Sultan Bahoo

After horrendous atrocity of Karbala, against the grandchildren of Rasool ﷺ lives of remaining family suffered hardship. The remaining offspring of Hazrat Ali Allah be pleased with them migrated from Arabia towards Kharassan and then to Herat and Ghazni as well as other cities. Hazrat Sultan Bahoo’s ancestors eventually decided to take abode in valley of Soon Skaser and forefathers of Hazrat sultan Bahoo ra settled in place known as Ongha. Here is the full ancestry linage of Hazrat Sultan Bahoo: