Sultan Bahoo - A Living Legacy
Author: Dr. Z. A. Awan
This presentation is a Reason for Reminder once again by a dearest special friend of Allah, Sultan Bahoo, who is a graceful gift of God in this continent and is known as Sultan-ul-Arifeen, a born sanctified, Wali Allah blessed by divine knowledge in a revelatory reason of Cognitive Comprehension . The voluminous literature with a cultural format is so unique in spiritual impetus for a Self- Searching Seeker Al-Arif to be cognizant with prescribed prescriptions of Arifana Kalaam . Sultan Bahoo who pleads and appeals for the healing head, heart to be awake to get the real vision of guidance from the spiritual values of Deen-Al-Islam, especially the cognition of your Creator, The Oneness, the Lord of Providence, the Provider. Sultan Bahoo did live and have a live legacy as a Mujahid (Defender of Faith Sh riah) as well as a Mujaded (Revitalization of tawheed; Spiritual values of Prophet (peace be upon him).